Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is it me or is it phone....

So I got my first assignment back... not so great. I mean this so diffrent from school. In my school english class im one of the top writers. I mean there may be a few grammar errors but thats it. Writing a news story is alot diffrent from writing an essay for English.

So I pretty much have to do this paper all over again and its stressing me to the fullest extent. On top of that today I tried so hard to find people to interview for my story and no one has called me back. Not one person.I thought "Maybe its my phone." So now my phone is sitting by the window (I get five bars over there) just in case.

Now all I can do is wait. I guess that leaves time for me to get educated on the topic and when I get to these interviews it won't seem like I didn't try to learn about it.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The decision lies here....

Print Journalism? Is it something that I really want to do. I mean don't get me wrong writing is something that I love to do but do I want to make a career out of it? I'm not 100% sure yet but I do know that my two weeks here at FIU will really help me decide.

So I arrived at FIU around 8am. I was a little nervous considering I had never done anything involving newspaper before. On top of that my little brother had me thinking about whether I was going to be a beautiful butterfly or a caterpillar still stuck in my ca coon.

So I lived through the first day and I'm on to second! I've made some new friends and learned some new things but im still not sure if print journalism is what I really want to get involved with. I guess only time will tell.